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Scenarios, Gameplay and Entertainment.

For the Ludum Dare 44, I took part in the creation of a short narrative game titled "The Price For Blood" in 72 hours. The theme was "Your Life is Currency", which we used by making the player control a crowd of angry humans rebelling against vampires, who were considering them like cattle.

I worked on writing the texts ingame, and I defined the impact of each decision the player took on the game's final result.


The name of the project for the end of my Master was Auxilliare. It was an infiltration game in a futuristic universe, after the humanity's reconstruction despite a worldwide cataclysm.

We worked in team all the year on this project, and I took care of the level design, the game design, and the development of the universe's background.

During my Master, I also worked on a game with mapping in the Wakfu universe, which was shown on the facade of Roubaix's station. It was a promotional event for the release of an Ankama movie, which my school was charged to create.

During this project, I worked on most of the game design, especially the setup of the enemies' behaviours and the different bonuses available to the players.

I discovered the Ace Attorney series when I was pretty young. It's a game where we play an attorney who must defend his clients during funny trials functionning as minigames. I then found the Ace Attorney Online site, which allowed the possibility to create his own trials.

So I produced some on my own, including a serie for a contest which was added to the site's favorites. My objectives were to create a story which could be included in the original continuity, while respecting the personalities of the differents characters and adding some original gameplay.

The game Minecraft offer numerous creative possibilities, and seeing a lot of "adventure maps" inspired me to make one myself. I didn't knew how to use external software for an easy editing at the time, so I manually created a map using the 1.3.2 version.

The principle is based on the game "Portal", the player being imprisoned in an experimentation complex by an extern person, who continually oversees the game advancement. However, I made sure to create different riddles and obstacles while not copying them on others similar maps.

© 2017-2020 by Alexandre Blanchar. Made with

Version Française - French Version

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